#30DaysofSustainability #30dayschallenge

Litters from Fyris River in Uppsala
I chose to try out a zero-waste lifestyle for 30 days challenge. Zero waste challenge means to try not to use anything that produces waste. I tried to avoid plastic, and accepted glass, metal and paper as ok. In my point of view, paper is less desirable than plastic.

To be honest, I had never been tried to go zero waste life before this challenge. And I didn't notice that how much I bought producing wrapped in plastic. I didn't pay attention to the number of paper towels, disposable cups and plastic utensils I used in my daily life. When I started doing my challenge, it is a little difficult for me not to buy things in plastic. However, during the first week of my challenge, I realized that I could easily reduce waste by changing out everyday disposables by reusable things.
A bar of package free Soap,Salt as toothpsate and Rinse Water To wash hair
As a first step, I made my own-products to wash my hair and to brush my teeth. Because toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoos are wrapped with plastics.
I went to the grocery store with my own jars and put the food in it. Instead of plastic bags, I used reusable bags when I do shopping.
I was slowly replaced paper towels with cloth napkin.
And during my challenge, I didn't use any chemical cosmetics and wear any make-up.
I realized my bad habits are gradually changing. This challenge leads me to new, healthier habits. I want to keep this new habit along my life-time. But living in zero-waste life is very tired for me. Therefore I will try to reduce waste as much as I could be not totally.

I talked about my zero waste challenge to my friend every day. She said that she never heard of zero waste before. When the first time she heard about it from me, she thought it was impossible and such a hair splitting. After I told her about my project was helpful for the environment, she started watching at my project. After my project, she got surprised as I could prove that I could live my days with very little waste I dump. She felt very tired by looking at me. But she realized that she could reduce her waste too  some extend as much as she could be.

The most difficult thing in my challenge would be that the time I bought package free food in grocery store and avoiding to get recipes. In every supermarkets, most of the things are wrapped with plastics. Whenever I bought with my own jar and with my own bag or when I talked about my challenge to get package free food, the grocery staffs and the woman behind me in the checkout looked a little like she wanted to kill me.
Compostable waste

Let's build a Sustainable Future

Plastic takes nearly a million years to degrade. I believe I did the great job for our planet. Zero waste lifestyle doesn't just benefit the planet. It may also improve the lives of the people who adopt it. By reducing your waste, let's go the sustainable future.
Wastes that I produced within 30days

Bradley, K., & Herdren, J., 2014. Utopian Thought in the Making of Green Futures. In: J. Herdern & K.Bradely.eds. Green Utopianism: Perspectives, Politics and Micro-Practices Routledge.

Cartanza, R., & Kubiszewski I., 2014. Why We Need Visions of a Sustainable and Desirable World. In: Creating a Sustainable and Desirable Future: Insights from 45 Global Thought Leaders.pp.3-8
