
Showing posts from October, 2017

#30DaysofSustainability #30dayschallenge

Litters from Fyris River in Uppsala I chose to try out a zero-waste lifestyle for 30 days challenge. Zero waste challenge means to try not to use anything that produces waste. I tried to avoid plastic, and accepted glass, metal and paper as ok. In my point of view, paper is less desirable than plastic. To be honest, I had never been tried to go zero waste life before this challenge. And I didn't notice that how much I bought producing wrapped in plastic. I didn't pay attention to the number of paper towels, disposable cups and plastic utensils I used in my daily life. When I started doing my challenge, it is a little difficult for me not to buy things in plastic. However, during the first week of my challenge, I realized that I could easily reduce waste by changing out everyday disposables by reusable things. A bar of package free Soap,Salt as toothpsate and Rinse Water To wash hair As a first step, I made my own-products to wash my hair and to brush my teeth. Becaus